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03.09.2018 15:09 | Flag
tele_mark says:
All that stuff is there as an attempt to get them to stop using the enclosure as their litter box. The first crew never did that -- they'd all come inside to use the box, but these guys.....
03.09.2018 14:50 | Flag
cynthia says:
Kicking outdoors.
03.09.2018 13:08 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Do you have two separate sets of cats, or are the farm cats nearby?
03.09.2018 13:07 | Flag
tele_mark says:
No, same cabinets. May re-face later. Back splash going in this week.
03.09.2018 13:07 | Flag
tele_mark says:
03.09.2018 10:25 | Flag
Eli says:
Flynn is a deep orange coloured kitty, not so easy to find! He is gorgeous!!! And Luna...beautiful!
03.09.2018 10:21 | Flag
Eli says:
03.09.2018 10:21 | Flag
Eli says:
03.09.2018 10:19 | Flag
Eli says:
Mark, I have several tuxedos, Max at home in Madrid (with Henry), but lots of them at our farm near Madrid (Ally, Elvira and at least 6-7 ferals or semi-ferals!)
03.09.2018 05:51 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Everything is possible. Luna and Lola, Paddy and Flynnie, Lola and Flynnie.................😻😉
03.09.2018 05:49 | Flag
doerscheln says:
LOL yes, he is gorgeous !
03.09.2018 05:48 | Flag
doerscheln says:
These farm cats have a luxury life!
03.09.2018 05:46 | Flag
doerscheln says:
And a kitchen helper! 😀 BTW.....I like the new countertop. Are the cupboards new, too ? They look darker.
03.09.2018 05:40 | Flag
doerscheln says:
A little frog?
03.09.2018 05:40 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Great pic again !
03.09.2018 05:39 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Garden helper at work!
03.09.2018 05:38 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Yes, you are right with the color of the bed but I didn‘t buy it for the kittens, it was the favorite bed of my beloved Moritz.
02.09.2018 23:08 | Flag
tele_mark says:
You have two tux's?
02.09.2018 21:33 | Flag
Napicat says:
Just one big handy fur pillow. Hard to tell where the cats end and the bed starts.
02.09.2018 20:34 | Flag
Eli says:
Too funny!!!!
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