doerscheln says:
No, Flynn is 8 weeks old, the girl was older. He had a brother but he vanished from the farm a few days ago. There are so many wonderful cats on this farm, I saw a Tux girl with a bit orange, very rare and a dark tiger, he was gorgeous !
tele_mark says:
I think you can still see the photos, though it would be tedious to go through them to find mine. Especially on the Gingercat group, which is very large and very active.
tele_mark says:
Very inexpensive camera. A Canon Elph 180, 20 Mp. Replacing an 8 year old 10 Mp one. Been using Elphs for 20 years now. For the full effect, see these pics on Facebook. The groups are the "Tux Mafia", and the "Ginger Cat Gang".
doerscheln says:
Yes, you never know, maybe his relatives came on a ship to the new world a long time ago. 😉 But it seems you have bought a real good camera. I take pics with an IPad, I sure need a new cam, too.
tele_mark says:
New camera! And if I may, he seems to have a German cat air about him in adulthood. He looks like a cat from Bavaria! Still a Viking though, after a little mingling.