doerscheln says:
Luna was a bit peaky since I got her. First the eye and then she was eating too little, lost even weight. She didn‘t play and had the runs. Now she is much better, she has an good appetite and has startet to play and run with her brother and sister, even her little nose has colour now, before her nose was so pale almost white.
doerscheln says:
Yes, they are all from the same farm. The farmer‘s wife said that Lola is about one month older than the other two. For sure she can‘t be much older because she still has her baby teeth.
pmgr111 says:
I'm sorry to hear that but maybe, just maybe it is meant to be. You have a happy peaceful house hold now with the three beautiful kitties you have. Who knows if the fourth one wouldn't upset the applecart. I'm sorry for the way it was handled.