Menelao: "Eli, are you telling me that I have ONLY a month to save energies???? Thanx for letting me know!! I am gonna be so busy... I'll have to programme all my naps.. one month to sleep?? Soooo not enough!!!" ;P
Well, Menelao, you have a whole month to save your energies, sweetie!!!(Wonderful excuse to sleep on the printer, have to try it at my work, perhaps I can convince my boss!!!!)
This is my boy Menelao. My brother found him when he was just a kitty coz he was abbandoned. He is like a baby, he loves to be cuddled and always stays in the weirdest poses.. but which cat doesn't?!?! I think he've mistaken me for his mother coz he follows me everywhere i go.
I couldn't be happier of having him in my life!