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Cat: Ivan
By: tele_mark 30.09.2015 23:42 « prev | next »
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Cats: Ivan Tags:
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pjesnik21 10.10.2015 13:18 | Flag
Awww, how cute he is.
tele_mark 02.10.2015 07:19 | Flag
Ivan is chomping down on his dry food like he's got teeth, two days after the extractions.
suelin57 01.10.2015 21:07 | Flag
I was getting Gracie kitten food the last few months, because it's smaller and she could chew it easier.
iluvcats 01.10.2015 19:17 | Flag
Glad your surgery is all done and was successful sweet Ivan. You have a great Daddy who takes such good care of your health!!!! xoxox
scrappy 01.10.2015 16:19 | Flag
Dear Ivan...I guess he was swallowing the dry pieces whole, like most cats, since they seem to all be lazy chewers and don't have molars. I'm glad he's doing alright after his dental surgery...=^..^=
doerscheln 01.10.2015 14:27 | Flag
Oh, okay, I thought it was something special. But that's a good idea to mix kibbled dry food with wet food. These dry food "croquettes" are too big for old and teethless cats I think and Paulinchen doesn't eat it when it is mixed with water only.
tele_mark 01.10.2015 14:07 | Flag
Just his regular kibble. I just gave him a little bit to see if he could eat it so soon after surgery, and it didn't bother him at all. So he'll have no problem with his normal diet of mixed wet/dry.
pmgr111 01.10.2015 13:26 | Flag
Hope you're feeling better soon Ivan.
doerscheln 01.10.2015 11:50 | Flag
Experimental dry food ? What could that be ? Could you please tell me then I can ask my Vet the next time about it. Moritz hasn't lost a tooth yet but Paulinchen has only 5 teeth left, could be something for her, too .
Eli 01.10.2015 06:52 | Flag
Ivan, get well soon!
tele_mark 01.10.2015 04:44 | Flag
The good news is that he was doing fine with some experimental dry food, with absolutely no teeth, 3 hours after coming home. He should do fine.
doerscheln 01.10.2015 04:25 | Flag
Hugs and kisses to you dear Ivan. Hope the surgery will be forgotten and you will be fine again soon !
tele_mark 30.09.2015 23:43 | Flag
Ivan back from the vet for about 3 hours. Poor Ivan had the last of his teeth removed.
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