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Cat: Floppy
By: tele_mark 11.07.2012 01:37 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Tags:
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jilleshea 14.07.2012 13:48 | Flag
That's great....kitty hammock......Floppy must love it
Claire 11.07.2012 20:29 | Flag
Super, thanks for the info! The site is still up so I guess they are still doing business. I know I don't have to question the strength of the hammocks if they had no problem handling Floppy at 23. lbs (she must be a big all around cat, because she doesn't look fat to me even at her heaviest) I'm sure 8 lb. Claire will be just fine!
tele_mark 11.07.2012 12:07 | Flag
Claire -- this is where I got the hammock -- -- but I'm not sure they're still in business. Please not Floppy being featured on the page, when he was 23 pounds! Also, Daisy and Ivan are on there too.
Claire 11.07.2012 08:45 | Flag
Once again, Floppy and her cool hammock...gotta get one of these for Claire!
moulagofre 11.07.2012 04:32 | Flag
Cool cat :-)
catgal 11.07.2012 04:08 | Flag
Now that's relaxed!
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