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Cat: Maxi
By: Sirminzi 10.10.2011 18:50 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Maxi Tags:
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africat 16.10.2011 04:44 | Flag
I am so sorry for your sad loss, Carola. RIP dearest Maxi - you will be sadly missed, and always remembered but you will never walk alone as you join so many precious angels that are there to befriend you at the Bridge.
debi91 15.10.2011 15:26 | Flag
THey are temporary little angels in our life. The are given to us to love and care for. Nothing so great as them loving us back. So sorry for your loss - just remember the great life you gave him,
suelin57 11.10.2011 16:21 | Flag
I'm so sorry. :(
Eli 11.10.2011 06:54 | Flag
Nein, doch nicht Maxi, tut mir so leid Carola, ich weine gerade so, kann nicht viel schreiben...
BUDDERS 10.10.2011 22:28 | Flag
Tears............ :(
miket 10.10.2011 21:57 | Flag
I am very sorry for your loss!
furfamily 10.10.2011 21:05 | Flag
My heart goes out to you at this sad time.
pdale 10.10.2011 20:06 | Flag
I am making something special. I love you and am crying for your loss of my old boy Maxi, my darling quiet furry boy. My heart aches for you. I love you all, Dale
eelias 10.10.2011 19:45 | Flag
I'm very sorry for your loss.
gillybean 10.10.2011 19:24 | Flag
RIP dear Max. Enjoy your time with all the kitties over the rainbow bridge.
Sirminzi 10.10.2011 19:01 | Flag
Maxi´s last birthday on october 3th. He is 14 years old ..... He has still one week for live ...... Now you are witout pain ... we love you and have beautiful memories ....
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Cat's Pictures
About this cat
Maxi was born in 1997 together with Schecki and Brauni. He is the most freedom-lovely cat! But very tenderly, too.kastrierter Kater, 1997 mit noch drei Geschwistern in unserer Scheune gefunden, (ca. Ende August 1997 geb.) Maxi ist unser Ausbrecherkönig, trotzdem sehr anhänglich und verschmust
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