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Cat: Moritz
By: doerscheln 03.12.2013 10:10 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Moritz Tags:
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Eli 04.12.2013 07:50 | Flag
Moritz, mein Lieber, ich glaube ihr habt dieses Jahr schöne weisse Weihnachten!
POUPIE 04.12.2013 07:46 | Flag
Il me plaît d'entendtre que Moritz aime le froid et la neige....Je vous souhaite ,une bonne journée ,Martina,en compagnie de vos petits "Trésors"
doerscheln 03.12.2013 21:55 | Flag
Thanks, yes it is a safe place for cats otherwise I wouldn't let them out. And yes, Moritz loves the cold and the snow.:-) you should see him running and jumping and playing when the snow is very deep...
tele_mark 03.12.2013 16:02 | Flag
You live in a beautiful area. It looks like they could roam safely for miles. It looks like our Midwest.
POUPIE 03.12.2013 15:50 | Flag
Il fait froid ,mais ça te plaît!......n'est-ce pas mon beau garçon?
doerscheln 03.12.2013 10:12 | Flag
No matter how cold it is Moritz wants to inspect his "ranch" !
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About this cat
Moritz, born April 1999, was a shy but very smart European shorthair. He lived in Bavaria, Germany together with Mietzi, Donna, Morris, Minka, Willi and Paulinchen. Moritz went over the rainbow bridge October 2017. I miss him so much.
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