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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 25.10.2014 05:36 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Tags:
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moulagofre 26.10.2014 10:03 | Flag
oh, that's very nice ! Those kitties are so lucky to have found you Telemark :-)
iluvcats 25.10.2014 19:49 | Flag
What a wonderful story for us today Mark! I believe in spirits and vibes! How sweet that Storm enjoys being carried in the box!!
doerscheln 25.10.2014 08:07 | Flag
What a sweet story ! I wish I could cuddle your Storm right now ! XO
tele_mark 25.10.2014 05:41 | Flag
Storm cannot be picked up for more than a few seconds without panicking, but over the last week he's started doing something interesting. If I approach him, he'll run over to the Amazon box and jump in it and sit in it. And, he loves to be carried around the house in it. Why is this interesting? Because it was one of the little "games" Robocat played with me all his life. I'd chase him around the house, and he'd head right for the nearest box or laundry basket, and jump in it. Then, I'd carry him around the house in it while he purred up a Storm. Ivan also took on some of Daisy's characteristics a few months after she passed. I like to think it means something.
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About this cat
I think his name is "Storm". Because he came in totally unexpectedly, with great strength and presence, and left a wake of change behind him.
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