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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 19.05.2014 18:54 « prev | next »
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iluvcats 20.05.2014 17:26 | Flag
Mark - you are such a good Daddy to your furkids!!!
doerscheln 20.05.2014 12:22 | Flag
Okay that is great, the kittens are having fun :)
tele_mark 20.05.2014 12:01 | Flag
They came out of hiding last night for feeding, and Storm's eye was a little better, and I had less trouble then I thought I'd have putting the drops in. Mikesch just wanted to be petted. Then they hunted a moth together that got in the house.
doerscheln 20.05.2014 08:29 | Flag
How are Storm and Mikesch doing today ? No problems to put the ointment into Storm's eye ? Hope you dont'have to chase him 2 or 3 times every day now.
doerscheln 20.05.2014 08:22 | Flag
Of course I know that vet visits are expensive and when I think of all the money I have spent there in 16 years for all the cats....I better don't do that. Anyway, the bill you got yesterday sounds really high to me especially I had to pay for exactly the same things as you did a few times already.......Vets in the U.S. seem to be much more expensive than in Germany.
tele_mark 20.05.2014 04:21 | Flag
But the point is --- vets are fricking disgusting!
pmgr111 20.05.2014 04:08 | Flag
All for the stray cat you rescued. You're a wonderful dad!
tele_mark 20.05.2014 02:49 | Flag
So for this little vet visit -- eye exam $55, fluorescent stain (1 drop) $22, 1/8 oz tube of Genttrak eye ointment -- ******$$$35.94****!!!!!!!!!?!??!?!!??!!?!!?
tele_mark 19.05.2014 21:07 | Flag
No, it was because they were both under the couch, and I had to chase Storm around the house for 10 minutes to get him into the carrier, and Mikesch thought I was after him.
doerscheln 19.05.2014 20:43 | Flag
The vet smell maybe... Hope Mikesch will relax soon again !
tele_mark 19.05.2014 20:31 | Flag
He did good at the vet, but peed in his carrier on the ride home. Mikesch still hasn't come out of hiding though.
doerscheln 19.05.2014 20:06 | Flag
Yes, poor Storm ! Get well soon Sweety ! XO how was Storm doing at the vet ? Scared or very brave ?
iluvcats 19.05.2014 19:27 | Flag
Ahhh poor Storm - he's fortunate to have you to take such good care of him. Hope he's 100% very soon.
tele_mark 19.05.2014 18:56 | Flag
Storm had to go to the vet unexpectedly today because something was wrong with his right eye yesterday. Ends up it was an ulcer, the doc thought it was from rubbing. I think he did it going under the sofa, which he's getting too big to do. Anyway, I finally got him weighed there, and he's 10.6 lbs!
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About this cat
I think his name is "Storm". Because he came in totally unexpectedly, with great strength and presence, and left a wake of change behind him.
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