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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 08.05.2014 07:17 « prev | next »
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Cats: Storm Tags:
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suelin57 09.05.2014 20:32 | Flag
I'm still contemplating the idea that you went after a possible bear with a broomstick.
tele_mark 08.05.2014 15:39 | Flag
He calmed down in about 1/2 hour when he got in the house, and was purring before going to sleep. This morning he wanted to get right back out there! I always leave the shade on the door up a few inches so they can look out while I'm at work, so during the ordeal, Storm could look in and the other cats saw him out there.
pmgr111 08.05.2014 15:00 | Flag
Wow, we all know that can happen. Just glad he's ok and back safe in the house. Hugs and kisses Storm.
trhays57 08.05.2014 14:21 | Flag
Poor baby! And there is no way Mark, that you of all people, are the worst cat guardian! They are sneaky little devils and can scoot by you without anyone noticing in a second. I bet poor little Storm won't be quite so adventurous next time or for quite awhile at least. My own Kitty WooWoo (who is going on 3 weeks without coming in unless I leave the kitty window open and he thinks no one sees him - I have NO clue what happened to bring this behavior on. He seems to have gone back to almost totally feral) anyway - somehow got into the garage and was shut in there for most of a day. I heard him yowling and he almost knocked me over running out. It could have been bad had it been in later in the season here in Texas as we are already seeing some 90 degree days. So hug Storm and his is precious pink nose. I'm sure the other cats have checked him out today as well . . .
doerscheln 08.05.2014 14:18 | Flag
How is Storm doing today after his "adventure"?
doerscheln 08.05.2014 12:09 | Flag
Oh dear ! I can imagine that Storm was terrified to be outside alone for such a long time and that you were under shock to find him like this. Poor little Stormy but of course you are not the worst cat guardian ! Things like that shouldn't happen but they can and the most important thing is that everything turned out all right ! I am sure from now on you will do a head count three times before you leave. :) Please give Storm a big kiss from me ! Friends of mine had built an enclosure for their cats very similar to yours, the fence was 2m ( a bit more than 2 yards I think ) high and 3 of their cats escaped almost every day.......If they only want to this height is not a problem for a cat. But it seems that your boys have no intention to leave the secure enclosure and that you are at home always when they are out to keep an eye on them.
tele_mark 08.05.2014 07:26 | Flag
I'm the worst cat guardian! Tonite, I came home from work, pulling in at 1AM, an immediately noticed the motion triggered floods on the deck were on! This can't happen normally, as the deck is totally fenced as you all know. So fearing the worst, I grabbed my flashlight in the car and retrieved a broom handle I keep close, and went around back, expecting that a bear or something breached the fence finally. Instead, I find Storm cowering in the enclosure! Apparently, he somehow sneaked by me before I got ready for work at 2 PM and closed uo everything. I usually do a head count but I saw them all 20 minutes before closing the door when I fed them. He was outside from 2PM until I came home at 1AM! When I went outside, he was totally freaked and I couldn't get near him, and it took a good five minutes with the deck door wide open (while yelling at the other cats to stay inside) to get him inside. He's now totally exhausted from the experience. I could have easily lost him tonite -- a week ago he saw *something* at the top of the fence that caught his eye and jumped halfway up it in one bound like it was nothing. He could get out EASILY if he wanted. But that was the last thing on his mind. Still, if a coyote, or Fisher Cat had come by.....
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I think his name is "Storm". Because he came in totally unexpectedly, with great strength and presence, and left a wake of change behind him.
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