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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 28.04.2014 05:59 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Floppy Tags: group
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tele_mark 03.05.2014 22:11 | Flag
It won't make it easier to lose one, but Tina nailed it -- you focus more on the living ones when one leaves, and carry on. Not having to agonize on worrying about Robocat's disappearance on the survivors let me make the best decision for him, instead of dragging things out like I did with Daisy. The two kittens make things easier too, although to tell the truth, when this kitten came along out of nowhere, and proceeded to blend in like he was part of the litter, I knew in the back of my mind something was coming down the pike.
doerscheln 03.05.2014 08:41 | Flag
Yes it IS a big adventure to live together with a bunch of cats, to watch the different characters grow up and grow old. When Claire is not one of these cats that dont like or are afraid of other cats you should be a part of this adventure. :) And yes every time I came back home from the vet with this terrible empty basket it helped to come home to all the other cats. I couldn't sit down in a corner and cry I had to take care of them and in their own special way they took care of me. The cats showed me that live always goes on no matter what..........
Claire 03.05.2014 04:16 | Flag
Maybe that's a big advantage to have a bunch of them. One of the reasons I'm mulling over getting Claire a companion is so she has company during the day, but another is so it will be a bit easier to take when I lose one.
tele_mark 02.05.2014 01:47 | Flag
There's no outward indication that anything's changed. It's both disconcerting and comforting at the same time. When Daisy was sick one of the most agonizing things was my anticipation of their reaction to her disappearance, but again there was none. This time, it was a little "easier" knowing this would be the reaction too.
Claire 30.04.2014 21:45 | Flag
How is the rest of the gang taking not having RC around?
doerscheln 28.04.2014 11:32 | Flag
Not the first time I see Storm using one of his brothers as a pillow. :)
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About this cat
I think his name is "Storm". Because he came in totally unexpectedly, with great strength and presence, and left a wake of change behind him.
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