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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 18.03.2014 00:27 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Robocat Storm Tags: group
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scrappy 19.03.2014 00:02 | Flag
Hey, Robo and Storm are just trying to help in this great project of yours! Such good kitties!
suelin57 18.03.2014 18:42 | Flag
I don't know why he put us here, do you think he's going crazy? LOL I'm sure they'll like that next section.
tele_mark 18.03.2014 13:42 | Flag
No, I had to put them there. It still doesn't go anywhere so they don't see a trail yet. The next piece will probably be a wrap-around window perch that'll go just out of sight to the left, so hopefully it'll get use then.
doerscheln 18.03.2014 10:20 | Flag
Did they try out the shelves without your help ? I dont know how many times I bought something for my cats and I thought that they would love it but very soon I found out that I was totally wrong. Cat trees to sleep on or in, cat beds, cat the end they all prefered my bed, the couch to sleep or for example a cheap cardboard box or even toilet paper to play with :)
Eli 18.03.2014 07:32 | Flag
Hey, we are trying out our new shelves!!
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About this cat
I think his name is "Storm". Because he came in totally unexpectedly, with great strength and presence, and left a wake of change behind him.
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