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Cat: Storm
By: tele_mark 17.02.2014 00:39 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Chloe Ivan Robocat Storm Mikesch Tags:
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tele_mark 18.02.2014 02:10 | Flag
pmgr -- he's not afraid in the least. It's a total cat game. If I chase him in the open, he'll run from me in "terror" about 15 feet, then he'll usually stop in his tracks, look behind him to make sure I'm still "chasing" him, and then "run" at a leisurely trot to a hiding place. He's showing me he has the upper hand and that things will progress as he decides they will. IOW, he's a perfect unspoiled feline!
Eli 17.02.2014 08:24 | Flag
Your 5 great boys, so nice to see Mikesch with them!
doerscheln 17.02.2014 08:21 | Flag
This is happiness ! 5 wonderful boys in one bed....and Mark has to sleep on the floor ! ;)
scrappy 17.02.2014 03:04 | Flag
Such a beautiful family of kitties...I'm sure eventually Mikech will eventually fully trust you because you have "the touch!"
pmgr111 17.02.2014 01:48 | Flag
Poor guy, too bad he is still afraid but you are making great progress. I hope you talk to him a lot using his name. I think you're making great progress.
tele_mark 17.02.2014 00:44 | Flag
Another milestone -- the 4 were on the bed for several hours, leaving Mikech alone. He decided he wanted up on the bed with the others. Well, the top of the bed is now another Safe Zone -- I approached him right before this was taken, and petted the others first. When I got to him, he flinched and tensed like he was going to bolt, then when I put my hand on him, he immediately relaxed a bit and let me pet him. Then, a few minutes later, back on the floor, he's running from me in "terror"!
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About this cat
I think his name is "Storm". Because he came in totally unexpectedly, with great strength and presence, and left a wake of change behind him.
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