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Cat: Anabelle (Bella)
By: cosmologies52387 28.05.2012 13:55 « prev | 
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Anabelle (Bella) Tags:
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cosmologies52387 28.05.2012 18:51 | Flag
Thank u
iluvcats 28.05.2012 15:56 | Flag
Hi honey ... welcome, welcome - - more, more!
catgal 28.05.2012 15:16 | Flag
What a magnificent looking cat!
Cat's Pictures
About this cat
Bella is a wonderful Cat who has been through so much when she was a baby gherkins her nursing from her deceased mother she then went to many foster homes one owner declared her in the front and ruined her. But with love and care she is a different cat who loves to play and isn't scared anymore
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