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By: Claire 01.08.2012 12:13 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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Eli 02.08.2012 06:33 | Flag
Well, Claire, I see you have great fun with Dad at home all week and so busy! Are you helping him?
catgal 01.08.2012 15:08 | Flag
What a sweetie...I love the way that cats love boxes and bags!
moulagofre 01.08.2012 15:04 | Flag
Haha, les chats et les sacs (et les boites): une histoire d'amour éternelle \o/ Tu es bien mignonne petite Mlle Claire !
Claire 01.08.2012 15:00 | Flag
Yes Dad's off this week, but he's spending as much time painting, tidying up, and steaming the carpets as he is playing with me! He always seems to work harder during his weeks off than at real work!
Chiara74 01.08.2012 13:45 | Flag
Hello Claire, tu pars en vacances???
Claire 01.08.2012 13:30 | Flag
A four year old cat, and a forty year old vacuum cleaner!
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