A hope:
Napoleon, the cat of a good friend was loss five mounth, and the Magic kings day´( THE JANUARY 5), while her grandmother was in hospital in a country near us, anothers friends who walked around this same country saw a cat and call for his name...was Napo, who realy stayed very close of his family, but he don´t knows. The change, or the destiny??In the distance , in the time he love you sure!! good luck
We can understand that you wasn´t in the mood because Dambu...Is he neutered? We know, that male un-neutered cats often left their home for female cats and enlarge their "Yard". We hope he comes back someday and if not we wish that he has found this kind of life he was looking for! Hug you...
Now u can see our storage photos. Those which were not uploaded cause Dambu left Home! Definitely we miss him a lot & pray for his safety. We hope our lil Baby will also miss us & will surely come back Home!!