Oh okay, so you have a little problem, too sometimes :) Floppy, Robocat and Ivan dont look alike but very similar and it is not so easy to find out who is who on a photo anyway but I try my best . At least I always find out who is Mikesch and who is Storm when they are on one pic together lol But dont laugh a friend of mine was not able to differ Moritz and Willi in 15 years.......
Even I screw up sometimes when sorting their names on here! When I first rescued them, as chipmunk sized kittens, Floppy was the first one I rescued, and I knew I was keeping him forever. Then when I rescued the others, I put him in the pile and almost lost which one he was. I ended up putting a white tie wrap around an arm so I knew which one he was!
You know I love all your cats although I was not able to differ your older boys, until today. ;) Some time ago I thought it would be a good idea to look at the color of their collars but Ivan and Robocat both have a green collar, haven't they ? Well, today I found out that Ivan has got a yellow name plate. Without this help I would not have a chance. I know one boy is the biggest and one is darker and one is more red , not enough to find out who is who on some pics.