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Tag: magic
By: africat 21.06.2011 05:10 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Magic Tags: magic
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Sunshineseven 04.03.2012 23:56 | Flag
Aw that is so sweet. Cats are intelligent, loving creatures. Misty is in kitty heaven and I'm sure very happy. Magic is lovely. I love this picture, it's the perfect shot.
iluvcats 21.06.2011 16:32 | Flag
Oh V ... this is so moving ... I so believe that our furries definitely know and feel things we can't imagine ... I'm a believer for sure ... sweet and gentle Magic ...
catgal 21.06.2011 14:07 | Flag
Very, very sad :( I hope Magic is ok ....
gillybean 21.06.2011 08:00 | Flag
Sweet sadness!
africat 21.06.2011 05:16 | Flag
In the little wooden box are Misty's ashes. Magic has become almost obsessed with that little box ..... he rubs it, holds it with his paws and curls up to it resting his head on it. He knows that is his brother, and obviously misses him a lot!!!!
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