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By: Chiara74 02.03.2013 15:42 next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Tags: CACHOU
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Eli 04.03.2013 07:43 | Flag
So sorry about Cachou. I see she lived a long life and was very much loved. RIP baby.
pmgr111 03.03.2013 17:03 | Flag
Sorry to hear of your loss. Cachou was a beautiful cat.
gillybean 02.03.2013 20:52 | Flag
So sad to hear of the death of your friend, Cachou. You had the joy of this sweet friendship, and so did this beautiful cat. Treasured memories. RIP dear Cachou.
catgal 02.03.2013 18:34 | Flag
I am so sorry for your loss, you sound like wonderful friends. Sounds like Cachou had a brilliant life....and that's down to you too :) Cachou will live big in your heart....once again my condolences.....
Chiara74 02.03.2013 15:49 | Flag
Cachou, la minette d'une amie est morte à l'âge de 18 ans1/2, c'était une chatte adorable, douce, câline, et affectueuse, elle ronronnait tout le temps, et je l'aimais... ( google translation ) Cachou the kitty a friend died at the age of 18 years1 / 2, it was a cat adorable, sweet, cuddly and affectionate, she purred all the time, and I loved ...
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