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Cats: HOURDOU Tags:
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sweetpea 09.05.2012 03:49 | Flag
Sending you prayers and good thoughts for Hourdou's health
Eli 08.05.2012 06:28 | Flag
We are all sending positive thoughts to you and to Hourdou and hope for a speedy recovery.
tele_mark 08.05.2012 06:20 | Flag
I'm praying for Hordou to make quick recovery.
catgal 08.05.2012 03:42 | Flag
Beautiful Hourdou, great positive thoughts coming your way to you and your owner - bless you :)
eelias 07.05.2012 22:30 | Flag
Sweet Hourdou-we will keep positive thoughts for her!
butterflynye 07.05.2012 21:16 | Flag
I'm so sorry about Hourdou. I know what ever you decide will be the right one for Hourdou, you and the rest of your family. Please keep us informed. Love to all
Chiara74 07.05.2012 20:45 | Flag
Pauvre HOURDOU, je te souhaite de guérir vite. Câlins.
meeow 07.05.2012 20:35 | Flag
Aww..poor baby! At least they found it early enough to possibly treat. My Mercury was diagnosed with lymphoma of his left kidney last August but it was too late for any type of surgery...he lasted about 3 months after the diagnosis. He was 14. I miss him every day. Ironically, he was the same shade of grey as Hourdou.
iluvcats 07.05.2012 20:32 | Flag
"Our" sweet pal Hourdou so far away in France ... Please know that your friends around the world are praying for your comfort and sending warm thoughts to your Mum and Dad while they so lovingly care for you ...
what's new pussy-cat 07.05.2012 20:18 | Flag
She is only 11...
what's new pussy-cat 07.05.2012 20:17 | Flag
Not very good news about Hourdou. Bad protein cells have been detected in one of her lung. Possibilities to be a cancer : 98%. Two solutions: if no metastases, (after whole scan), remove the bad lung , the life possibilities are normal after recovering, but the risk is she doesn't recover from the surgery, second possibility, do nothing, and treat occasionally in case of crisis ( pleural effusion), probability of life : a few month to 2-3 years, nobody knows, a normal life till she be put to sleep when necessary... I prefer surgery, but there is a risk....
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