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Eli 20.06.2016 06:46 | Flag
Lol, this is great! He should be called Houdini:))))
scrappy 20.06.2016 03:10 | Flag
It's official...Ambercat is now the town hoodlum who rolls his big brother for a snazzy collar, even if it doesn't fit him!
tele_mark 19.06.2016 23:01 | Flag
All I can figure is that Floppy either lost his collar on his own, as he does frequently, or another cat knocked it off when they were rolling the old man, and Ambercat started playing with the collar, and somehow "nosed" it perfectly and it ended up around his neck. Floppy's neck is quite a bit thicker than his, as can be seen on the collar.
eelias 19.06.2016 21:35 | Flag
That's a clever fellow-you better keep your credit cards locked up!
iluvcats 19.06.2016 18:25 | Flag
Oh my gosh - that's hilarious! Your little clown Ambercat!!!
doerscheln 19.06.2016 17:38 | Flag
LOL Ambercat is a very special cat in every way. You never get bored with this kitty ! :)
pmgr111 19.06.2016 17:22 | Flag
LOL you have to be kidding, but I know your aren't. How did the trouble maker do this one! Amazing!
tele_mark 19.06.2016 15:50 | Flag
I'm at a loss as to how he pulled this one off. I was looking everywhere for Floppy's lost collar, and then I found it yesterday. He was wearing it over his collar......
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ILoveMyCat14, doerscheln,