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Cats: Mikesch Tags:
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suelin57 02.12.2015 10:38 | Flag
Maggie has to check out all visitors. Sometimes she's not sure of them at first if they're new, but she never leaves the room. After a couple of short visits, she's usually rubbing up against them. She loves all the pizza delivery guys, LOL.
Eli 01.12.2015 08:08 | Flag
My Willy was also like that, he never showed up when friends or family came to visit. But no problem with my two new kitties, they are curious and run to the door as soon as anyone rings the bell and they greet anyone like they knew them for years! My postman loves them:))
iluvcats 30.11.2015 15:32 | Flag
My Daisy was like that - I had friends for years who stopped by and never, ever saw her.
tele_mark 30.11.2015 14:20 | Flag
He's hidden forever if anyone's around, but to be fair, so are the other cats except for Floppy and Ambercat.
doerscheln 30.11.2015 12:28 | Flag
Well, then let's hope that you won't fall apart so soon ! ;-) What happens when you have guests for longer than a few hours, is there any difference in Mikesch's behavior? Only my Minka and Mietzi loved every guest I had but all the other cats were/are hiding as soon they have heard the door bell. Moritz and Paulinchen are still like that but when my aunt for example stays here for three weeks then they get used to her and after a week they both sit on her lap.
tele_mark 30.11.2015 04:09 | Flag
I can absolutely count on a long hiss EVERY time I lift the cover on the bed over Cat Town, from Mikesch, followed now by him relaxing, satisfied that he's done his part as a feral cat, and then waits for his scritches, slowly turning over so I get under his chin and his belly. The fact that I'm the only human, in all the world, that has his trust, is very satisfying! Anyone else in here, and he's a wild, scared feral, finding a place to hide. Tempering that, is the sobering thought that I have what is effectively a special needs cat, quite young, and depending on ME, for the rest of his life, while I get old and fall apart.
doerscheln 29.11.2015 12:50 | Flag
Mikesch loves and trusts you, I am sure. And the more time goes by the more he knows how to show you. BTW lots of treats can never be wrong. :-)
tele_mark 29.11.2015 02:53 | Flag
Mikesch continues to tame down even more after every "traumatic" incident, the latest being his last vet visit. Since coming home successfully from that, he jumps up on the desk next to me and asks for food, comes to me for scritches, and stays put when I lay down in bed 6 inches from him. Still feral, but I gain "points" every time I put him in a situation where I can easily "get rid" of him, and that doesn't happen, and, in fact, he gets lots of treats when it's all over.
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