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tele_mark 24.11.2015 17:01 | Flag
Maybe we could arrange a Cat Exchange Program-- Both cats at either house for 1 month intervals, lol!
suelin57 24.11.2015 08:38 | Flag
Oh, he and Maggie really need to live together. They could just take out all their excess energy and devilment on each other.
scrappy 23.11.2015 15:26 | Flag
That's it Ivan dear, keep your eyes closed...because I think little orange man is thinking up something naughty! ^-^
pmgr111 23.11.2015 15:25 | Flag
Ahh, so innocent looking now.
doerscheln 23.11.2015 14:00 | Flag
You wouldn't believe that Ambercat can be such a little devil.
tele_mark 23.11.2015 07:45 | Flag
Everything's quiet under the bed since Morris wore himself out.
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