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Cats: Tags: group
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iluvcats 06.07.2015 17:12 | Flag
The pack!!!
Eli 06.07.2015 07:09 | Flag
My two also chase each other around the flat like crazy and they do this twice a day, at 7 in the morning (my poor downstairs neighbors!) and at 10 in the evening. Guess they all need to burn down energy!
Claire 04.07.2015 16:51 | Flag
I love the crazies...I call it the witching hour. Trying to calmly go about my business as my little carnivore is bouncing off the walls!
scrappy 03.07.2015 22:25 | Flag
Crazy kitchen antics! But just routine for this gang...
tele_mark 03.07.2015 07:50 | Flag
The daily routine, when I come home from work every morning. The cats greet each other like they're meeting for the first time, and then treat me like I've been away for months, and then settle down into Tranquility Mode, before getting a case of the Crazies and burning off the energy of 18 hours of sleep.
doerscheln 03.07.2015 07:47 | Flag
Waiting for Dad and breakfast .
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