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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Mikesch Tags: group
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doerscheln 19.12.2013 13:02 | Flag
I had a few rescues that were the same, tame in the beginnig and then suddenly shy and scary, I never found out why. But very often they changed into tame again after some time.
tele_mark 18.12.2013 13:00 | Flag
Maybe, but I can't even do that with Storm now. When Mikesch started to tame, Storm went backwards a little bit. I can't pick him up now for more that a few seconds before he starts breathing hard and then starts kicking and struggling, and I can't get him on the scale anymore.
doerscheln 18.12.2013 10:29 | Flag
Christmas next year you can lift Mikesch up and he will sit on your lap, I am sure :)
Eli 18.12.2013 07:45 | Flag
That is good, step by step and lots of patience, he will trust you more and more every day:)
tele_mark 18.12.2013 05:31 | Flag
When Mikesch is under the bed, he can be pet, and will return affection.
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