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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Mikesch Strays/Rescues Tags:
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pmgr111 27.11.2013 17:21 | Flag
Aha, here is the original name message. Great conversation and cute name. More German heritage here too in my family. My mothers family is from Mainz.
tele_mark 27.11.2013 00:36 | Flag
I think Mikesch it's going to be! It'll be one of the most unique cat names in the US, and it'll have a story behind it to boot! And the fact that when I Google it for images, many cats come up that look like Storm, means it's his perfect name! Thank you for your help doerscheln! My father's intrigued by the name -- he's at home Googling everything he can about it!
doerscheln 26.11.2013 21:41 | Flag
Aalen is not so far away from where I live now, maybe 100 km north. I am in Bad Groenenbach. Yes, sometimes I've seen a Mikesch too that was more grey than black but the Mikesch from my childhood was a tuxedo :-)
tele_mark 26.11.2013 18:37 | Flag
My mother was from Aalen. Still alot of family there and around.
doerscheln 26.11.2013 18:26 | Flag
You are welcome . I thought that there maybe is some german blood in your veins because of your name :)
tele_mark 26.11.2013 16:53 | Flag
Wow! When I Google Mikesch and look at the pics, there's lots of tuxedo cats that come up. Strangely though, there's lots that have Storm's coloring as well! Odd......
tele_mark 26.11.2013 16:42 | Flag
Thanks for the great ideas. Mikesch is interesting because my ancestry is German.
doerscheln 26.11.2013 16:25 | Flag
Hmm, well, in Germany black and white cats are often called Felix .What about Ghost ? Right now baby 2 is a bit like a ghost for you but when that changes the name would not match so well anymore........ Shy ? The same problem but I would like both names somehow. Chess ? Undercover ? ;) Filou ? Figaro ( Pinocchio) and Sylvester, a cat we all know :) These were the names that just crossed my mind. If I should ever have a tuxedo cat his name would be Mikesch. Mikesch , a black and white cat that could talk is the main character in a story for children by Josef Lada ( a chech writer) I loved this book when I was a child.
tele_mark 26.11.2013 14:47 | Flag
No name yet. Any ideas?
Eli 26.11.2013 07:55 | Flag
Great news, even if the progress is slow, but at least there is a progress! He is lovely!!
doerscheln 26.11.2013 07:46 | Flag
Yes a progress is a progress no matter how little it is ! Thanks for letting us know the news ! Any idea for a name already ? I am sure he would feel better with a name ;)
pmgr111 26.11.2013 05:59 | Flag
Good news on the slight progress. Thanks for the update. I hope he keeps getting better and his nose does look better too.
tele_mark 26.11.2013 04:43 | Flag
Still feral as all heck. Still hisses at me, still hides under the couch until the house is empty. But at least when he's in his tent, I can pet him now without his ears flattening and him shaking, and -- big breakthrough - he will start eating in my presence while I'm petting him. Security camera shows him acting like a normal house cat when there's only cats in the house. And his nose is almost healed.
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