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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Tags:
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scrappy 13.11.2013 19:50 | Flag
Storm looks great! Time will tell for Baby 2...I'm sure the big boys, Robocat, et. al., will make him a good kitty citizen in no time!
pmgr111 13.11.2013 06:42 | Flag
We don't need to know how much baby 2 weighs. Your new plan for him sounds good. Hopefully he will come around.
tele_mark 13.11.2013 05:16 | Flag
He's 8.1 pounds tonite. He's gaining a very constant 1 pound per month. He looks bigger in some of these pictures than he really is, because he's got a very big spirit/presence, and it projects. Next to the big cats in person he is quite a bit smaller than them. Not sure how much his brother weights now, I'm not brave enough to try to pick him up, let alone put him on the scale!
pmgr111 13.11.2013 04:58 | Flag
He looks big in this picture. How much does he weigh now?
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