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trhays57 13.11.2013 14:02 | Flag
Yes, every family has a crazy. Kitty WooWoo is mine. I've been trying to tame his down for awhile but if anything at all interferes with his routine, it's usually a major set back. He will come to me to pet but never relaxes the whole time I love him. But I just keep loving him. I'm sure Baby 2 will eventually give into the love. You show too much compassion for him not to fall under the influence!
doerscheln 13.11.2013 13:31 | Flag
Yes that sounds like a good plan. I did not think that you could pet baby 2 already but that is something I call progress.
Eli 13.11.2013 07:57 | Flag
Petting him every day is a very good strategy, I'm sure he will accept you more and more as time passes. I guess no kitty is immune to love!
tele_mark 13.11.2013 06:01 | Flag
These two are just about the same size, but Storm has put on on a little more winter fat, but there's little size difference between them.
tele_mark 13.11.2013 05:22 | Flag
His nose is better, it is filling in, but he did screw it up in the cage. He's better -- if I corner him in a room, he'll hiss and carry on, but seems to like being pet -- at least he stops shaking like a leaf after being pet for awhile. I think there's hope for him, but I'm changing my strategy from waiting for him to approach me to taking his hiding places away in the spare room once a day and spending at least 20 minutes petting him. I think he'll tame eventually.
pmgr111 13.11.2013 05:08 | Flag
LOL, Poor baby 2, he does look a little crazed in this picture. His nose still looks bad.
tele_mark 13.11.2013 03:46 | Flag
There's always one crazy person in every family......
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