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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Mikesch Strays/Rescues Tags:
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tele_mark 28.10.2013 13:00 | Flag
Robocat didn't purr until he was 4 years old, and when he does, it's very soft.
Eli 28.10.2013 07:59 | Flag
Some cats just do not purr a lot. My Willy is one of them, he only purrs in the middle of the night when he wants to wake me up...sigh...
pmgr111 27.10.2013 18:00 | Flag
Good about the eating. He'll too put some weight on. Lets hope for a purr soon.
tele_mark 27.10.2013 13:23 | Flag
He's eating like crazy now! Still no purring though.
iluvcats 26.10.2013 22:47 | Flag
So happy you're a little happier dear one ... you are so, so fortunate to be in Tele_mark ville!!!
deppoula 26.10.2013 20:54 | Flag
Hi honey,you are a lucky fellow!
suelin57 26.10.2013 19:03 | Flag
Hi baby 2, I hope you learn to enjoy life as a housecat.
tele_mark 26.10.2013 18:05 | Flag
Much more relaxed and "housecat-like" today! Normally he'd be hiding under the couch or dresser.
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