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trhays57 28.10.2013 17:56 | Flag
Very good news - Baby 2 you just keep on seeing Dr. Storm and you'll be feeling better in no time! And ease up on your human brother - you have no idea how much he has done for you already! Agree with iluvcats that you have a heart of gold and it really shines out for these kitty babies!
doerscheln 26.10.2013 15:50 | Flag
Again good news ! I keep my fingers crossed that it will turn out all right for the two brothers and that you can keep them both. Hugs to all your boys !
tele_mark 26.10.2013 13:17 | Flag
This morning, he wasn't hiding under the couch as usual. He was in his little hidey-cave above, with the blanket over the entrance. When I reached inside, he was very calm and didn't flinch or hiss at me. I guess Storm above was having a pretty good discussion with him when I took that picture a couple days ago!
doerscheln 26.10.2013 07:10 | Flag
Yes that does not sound so bad at all :) Give him some time, he will get used to you, too. Good Idea with a cam.
tele_mark 26.10.2013 06:40 | Flag
Ok, things aren't as bad as they appear. Out of curiosity, I set up a wifi camera while I was at work. When the feeder went off - 1 bowl of dry food for 5 cats, the adults, 12 hours from last feeding, patiently waited while Storm and his brother had their fill. Storm's brother was eating like a champ. Apparently things are quite different and it's a big party when I'm not home. He just acts shy and scared when I'm here. With just cats around, he's having a ball. Typical feral.
iluvcats 25.10.2013 16:07 | Flag
Oh Storm - - what a great kid you are to be a pal to sweet Tuxie boy. I hope that nose clears up soon -- man what they do to themselves, right? Tele_mark - you have a heart of gold indeed! ♥
trhays57 25.10.2013 13:48 | Flag
Poor Baby 2. His little nose is just terrible. Hold onto him Storm. If he can't stay with the rest of the gang, I hope you are able to find him a wonderful home. He looks like a sweet boy - just very wary for now.
Eli 25.10.2013 06:59 | Flag
I believe that Storm will greatly help Baby 2. Having a buddy near will surely calm down Baby2 and with lots of time and patience, maybe he will be as tame as his brother.
doerscheln 25.10.2013 06:16 | Flag
What a wonderful Boy you are Storm! Maybe you can make your brother feel better and show him how great it is to live with all the boys including Mark.
tele_mark 25.10.2013 05:59 | Flag
Storm has been rallying for his brother. He stays with him for long periods, just sitting with him.
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