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Cats: Chloe Tags:
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tele_mark 11.10.2013 13:28 | Flag
From what I've heard, she's already forgotten about What's His Face (me), and is happy as can be. When she's settled I'll mention Picato to them again.
trhays57 11.10.2013 13:22 | Flag
Good luck sweet Chloe! Living in a house full of boys can certainly be trying! And thanks to the new family for taking this beautiful girl in. So hard to give them up but as we have all seen, TeleMark you are super vigilant in making sure your babies are safe and happy. I'm sure Chloe will be happy being an only child as it sounds like she went to a good home for her.
Eli 11.10.2013 06:49 | Flag
I'm sure Chloe will be quite happy with her new family! You did the right thing, constant war is not good for anybody, kitties or humans!
Chiara74 10.10.2013 21:16 | Flag
Coucou Chloé, je suis contente que tu aies trouvé une nouvelle famille, tu es une gentille fille.
doerscheln 10.10.2013 19:26 | Flag
A hard decision I know but the best for Chloe...that is how it sounds to me. Chloe is the one that has to be fine and whe she was unhappy with all the boys....... Hope we will hear from her on Picato again.
iluvcats 10.10.2013 18:35 | Flag
Oh my word - blessings for dear Chloe - what a generous gift to your friends. I can surely relate to their reluctance to replace their 15 year old furry. Sorry to hear about the kerfluffle that's been going on with the others. But at least you will be able to visit her. Hugs
tele_mark 10.10.2013 18:28 | Flag
Oh, I talked to them and mentioned Picato. Hopefully they'll open account here and continue Chloe's story for us.
tele_mark 10.10.2013 17:37 | Flag
Chloe has gone to live with some friends of mine a little bit up the road. They're an older couple with a quiet teenage son, who lost their 15 year old female cat in 2008, and are just now wanting to replace that loss. She'll be an only pet, which is what she really needs. The last month plus she's been getting progressively worse with my cats. She antagonized them to the point that the boys were starting to have enough, and they were physically beating up on her to the point of fur flying, and worse, she didn't back down, and kept it up continuously. I was afraid for her safety, and needed to reluctantly move her on. Happily, she's settling in great after 4 days at the new place, and is eating better (she looked over he shoulder while eating here, and I had to feed her in a closed room to get her to eat), and making friends with the family already. She'll also have access to a huge screen porch there with perches in it. I'm happy that I had the opportunity to rescue Chloe from going into the shelter when her former owners moved, and helping her to find a perfect home.
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