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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Robocat Storm Tags: group
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tele_mark 07.10.2013 16:32 | Flag
I haven't seen the mother in a couple weeks, and I only see the baby intermittently. I bought sardines to bait the trap with today.
Eli 07.10.2013 07:18 | Flag
Wow, keep us posted when you get the little stray. Any news about the Mom?
tele_mark 06.10.2013 21:28 | Flag
My driveway alarm went off last night at about 1:30AM, and when I went down to investigate I got there just in time to make out a small grey and white form melting into the bushes. So I'm moving the trap down there. The kitten seems to be staying low on the hill near the road, for about a 1/4-1/2 mile length.
tele_mark 06.10.2013 05:10 | Flag
1 month ago he was a flea infested feral.
butterflynye1 06.10.2013 02:46 | Flag
So sweet, nothing like a warm Robocat to rest your head on. I hope you're able to catch the other cat. You are such a kind hearted soul!
Claire 05.10.2013 23:51 | Flag
LOL...this is all such an adventure!
agroshong 05.10.2013 14:21 | Flag
maybe move the trap and change the food.....those stray kitties are smart!
tele_mark 05.10.2013 13:05 | Flag
I saw his sibling 2 nights in a row coming home at about 1AM, in the EXACT same spot, just finishing crossing the street and trotting uphill into the woods, about 1/4 mile from here. I've left the trap wired open and nothing's touched the food so I don't think he/she's been in the yard.
doerscheln 05.10.2013 07:55 | Flag
Awwww how cute ! Your Robocat is such a sweet "Mom" :) Any news about baby stray's family ?
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