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suelin57 19.09.2013 16:53 | Flag
Wow, Chloe getting close!
trhays57 19.09.2013 16:47 | Flag
The baby seems to stay close to Floppy and Robocat. I don't see how you could give him up at this point. It seems as though the entire family has accepted him already. Sweet babies!
pmgr111 19.09.2013 15:26 | Flag
Hey, we're all on the bed together, yahoo!!
POUPIE 19.09.2013 15:03 | Flag
le bonheur parfait!...........
doerscheln 19.09.2013 12:01 | Flag
Great Chloe ist sleeping in the bed now , too and of course Munchkin hihihi He is just everywhere :)
lindazena 19.09.2013 08:08 | Flag
So sweet...
tele_mark 19.09.2013 06:19 | Flag
At least Chloe's going up on the bed now.
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