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Cats: Chloe Tags:
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suelin57 03.09.2013 18:15 | Flag
Glad to hear Chloe did well with her procedure. Hope she's feeling fine and dandy real soon.
iluvcats 03.09.2013 17:47 | Flag
So glad to read lil Chloe did just fine! She will feel so much better when she heals from getting rid of those bad toofies ... hugs
tele_mark 03.09.2013 16:22 | Flag
The vet just called. Chloe is out of surgery and did fine. They took a bunch of teeth out. Will post pics of her when she comes home tonite.
doerscheln 03.09.2013 15:10 | Flag
Hope everything goes well at the vet.........Ill be thinking of your girl.
isabelle 03.09.2013 14:48 | Flag
Chloe will feel so much better after healing. She will probably pick up some weight
Claire 03.09.2013 14:01 | Flag
Claire and myself are sending our positive vibes out to Chloe, and are awaiting some new pictures once she gets over her procedure!
tele_mark 03.09.2013 13:09 | Flag
She's at the vet now. Will post when she's home.
butterflynye1 03.09.2013 07:37 | Flag
Sending those good thoughts and my love to Chloe. Please keep us up to date. luv
Claire 03.09.2013 06:54 | Flag
Chloe is looking forward to getting the procedure behind her so she can get back home to keep the rest of the gang in line!
scrappy 03.09.2013 02:18 | Flag
Good thoughts going to you and Chloe...I know that at her age, they always do an EKG before putting the cat under for her procedure just to make sure her heart can withstand sedation. I know she'll be fine! =^..^=
tele_mark 03.09.2013 00:51 | Flag
Chloe is going to the vet tomorrow for at least three extractions, that are responsible for difficulty with eating dry food. As routine as the procedure is (Floppy went through it a month ago), I still worry and am apprehensive, especially as she's 13 and weighs 6.5 pounds. I let her stay on the deck as long as she wanted tonite, and she stayed longer than she ever did -- right in the spot shown, purring and enjoying everything to the max - for 1.5 hours, literally right where she is in the picture. Please send your good thoughts and prayers to her. She will be going to the vet on Sept 3 at 8:30 EST. thanks!
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