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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Tags:
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trhays57 22.08.2013 13:30 | Flag
Yes I can see the domineering spirit flowing through Floppy here :)
butterflynye1 22.08.2013 09:58 | Flag
I'm scared just looking at this pic...Floppy is truly
tele_mark 21.08.2013 14:33 | Flag
Are you kidding? Look at that fierce expression! Just look at the energy he's pouring into maintaining his rank! Poor Chloe doesn't know what she's up against!
Eli 21.08.2013 07:00 | Flag
Well, I wouldn't say that, I think that poor Floppy doesn't stand a chance against Chloe!!! Girls rock!!
tele_mark 21.08.2013 01:57 | Flag
Floppy valiantly fighting to maintain his 13 year long, uncontested position as the Alpha against newcomer Chloe. Floppy 18 lbs, Chloe, 6.5 lbs. Poor Chloe, she doesn't stand a chance.
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