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Cats: Chloe Tags:
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trhays57 22.08.2013 13:32 | Flag
After so much sad news on Picato here lately, it is truly uplifting to see Chloe flourishing. Much thanks to you Tele-Mark for being such a marvelous cat advocate!
tele_mark 22.08.2013 06:32 | Flag
Chloe is a treasure. Seeing her waiting at the door to the deck first thing in the morning, asking to go out, makes it all worthwhile. This little cat has so much spirit it's a privilege to see!
butterflynye1 21.08.2013 07:18 | Flag
You are an angel for taking in this little dear and finding a hope for her former roommate. I hope worked out there. I just love your kitty crew...their outdoor enclosure is wonderful
Eli 21.08.2013 07:01 | Flag
Ghastly situation, ha, ha, that's a good one!!! Chloe is surely thinking, well, I'm a lucky girl, I got the best house ever, former owners can go to hell!
tele_mark 21.08.2013 01:26 | Flag
Chloe continues her lament over the situation her previous "owners" threw her into when they abandoned her at 13 years old to live in this ghastly situation.
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