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Cats: Chloe Tags:
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tele_mark 08.08.2013 06:08 | Flag
Clyde was adopted after a few days in the shelter. I was hoping the adopters were from Picato, but I guess not.
meeow 08.08.2013 00:28 | Flag
Have you received any news about her companion that went to the shelter? I feel terrible for that sweet guy!
iluvcats 07.08.2013 14:54 | Flag
You are such a caring Daddy for your little family .... you sure know how to do it right!!! I bow to your kitty and construction skills!!! ♥
tele_mark 07.08.2013 14:16 | Flag
Yes, I think she will be the boss. Floppy seems ok with it -- when she chases him under the bed, he runs away with a good hearted trill.
doerscheln 07.08.2013 08:00 | Flag
Little Chloe will be the boss of the gang soon :)
Eli 07.08.2013 06:57 | Flag
Ha,ha, good for you Chloe, you keep the boys under your paw!!! I'm sure all four will be buddies in no time:))
pmgr111 07.08.2013 05:50 | Flag
LOL on the chased Floppy and slapped Ivan. That's cat for you. I'm sorry she had some stressful time. I hope she does well going forward. I wouldn't have guessed she hadn't interacted more with the others being she looked so comfortable on all the cat furniture.
tele_mark 07.08.2013 04:08 | Flag
A stressful moment for little Chloe today. I decided it was time to get her to integrate more with my cats, so I took away her water, and her litter box in her room, while leaving her "tent" intact. I showed her where the main litter boxes, and water fountain were, and she promptly went into hiding in her tent, and acted uncharacteristically timid for the rest of the day. Well, she just came out of hiding at 11:55 PM EST, and headed right for the litter box that I showed her this morning, and is now acting like her bold little self! This is one smart little tiger! Also today -- this morning, for the very first time, she touched noses with Robocat in greeting. Then promptly chased Floppy under the bed (three times her size), and slapped Ivan across the face when he got too close!
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