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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Ivan Robocat Chloe Tags: group
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tele_mark 23.07.2013 21:54 | Flag
They're definitely not friends yet, all Chloe's fault. The boys are totally fine with her, but it's very apparent that she is an Alpha cat, and she hisses and swats at them, even though the smallest -- Robocat, is more than twice her size. I'm sure that things will be fine eventually, it's only been two weeks. It should work out fine in the end. Floppy is the "official" Alpha, but when Daisy was here, she was also the smallest, and whenever she wanted to , she could floor any of her sons without even breaking a sweat.
butterflynye1 23.07.2013 11:19 | Flag
I love the enclosure, looks like they do to. I can't believe Chloe has caught on so quickly. The boys must be great roommates.
tele_mark 22.07.2013 07:25 | Flag
Yes, it's really good to have 4 cats again. She can't replace precious Daisy, but it's so good already to have a girl cat in the mix again! She definitely adds that special dynamic that was missing since Daisy left us.
Eli 22.07.2013 07:16 | Flag
All four together, that's wonderful!
tele_mark 22.07.2013 06:21 | Flag
Please view my Youtube vid at -- cats seeing the outer enclosure for the first time, with Floppy leading the expedition!
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