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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Tags:
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agroshong 19.06.2013 13:25 | Flag
lindazena 19.06.2013 07:25 | Flag
Enjoy your day, Floppy!
tele_mark 19.06.2013 01:03 | Flag
I know I've done good when I see the curled tail!
POUPIE 18.06.2013 09:22 | Flag
je suis en vacances ,toute l'année,et,j'aime la vie.........
CALIMERA9 18.06.2013 08:36 | Flag
En voilà un qui semble comblé!
Eli 18.06.2013 07:00 | Flag
Aww, the stressful life of Floppy :))
scrappy 18.06.2013 02:03 | Flag
Sweetpea, Floppy and Claire...what a team of cute kitties! And of course, Ivan and Robocat... =^.^= =^.^=
tele_mark 18.06.2013 01:35 | Flag
Anytime you and Claire are coming to So. NH, give a shout out! Bring your cats for a day in the kitty playground! That goes for anyone on Picato as well!
suelin57 18.06.2013 01:18 | Flag
The wood underneath is the same color as his fur - when I first looked, I thought his belly was hanging down! lol
Claire 18.06.2013 00:58 | Flag
Five star accommodations! Claire wants to take a vacation there LOL!
pmgr111 18.06.2013 00:45 | Flag
Floppy on top of the world. I see they are used to their enclosure. Such lucky cats.
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