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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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MackemCat 25.05.2013 19:22 | Flag
what lucky cats to have such a wonderful home and
pmgr111 23.05.2013 01:25 | Flag
I agree with Eli. You have 3 lucky cats to have such a great keeper.
Eli 22.05.2013 07:02 | Flag
In my next life, I would love to be a kitty in your home! Ivan, Robocat and Floppy have the best life a kitty can have and all thanks to a great animal lover like you!
tele_mark 22.05.2013 01:15 | Flag
The fence on this side is temporary. When the new fence goes in on the lawn, this side will be taken down. The screen room will also be sitting here eventually, which with a screen door on either side will give access to the lawn enclosure, and the open deck.
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