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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Robocat Tags:
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butterflynye1 04.04.2013 20:07 | Flag
So glad they're getting settled in. I just love these three! Happy new home to all..
iluvcats 04.04.2013 16:49 | Flag
Oh my goodness - you've relocated. I'm so glad they are adjusting and I know you will have their yard enclosure all fixed up for them! Well done!
gillybean 04.04.2013 07:50 | Flag
Great to hear your news. It's great that the cats have settled in so well, and so quickly. May you all be very happy in your new home.
tele_mark 03.04.2013 23:55 | Flag
When we moved from NH to Mass 10 years ago, they literally hid in their litter boxes nearly all day, only coming out briefly to eat, and that went on for almost 2 WEEKS! It was like there was no cats in the house. Here, Floppy came right out of the carrier immediately, and when he saw all the stuff from the old house, he understood. Robo and Ivan stayed in their carrier about 2 hours more. I'm blown away how fast they adjusted after the the first move I described!
Claire 03.04.2013 23:19 | Flag
Good for them! I'll bet a move is much easier because of the camaraderie amongst the 3 of them.
tele_mark 03.04.2013 22:02 | Flag
Floppy, Robocat, and Ivan are back in their native NH, after 10 years in Massachusetts. There's no screen porch or cat enclosure here -- yet -- but stay tuned, there's a huge deck attached and a big yard, and the Purrfect Fence is already in the new garage. In the meantime, they have a bigger house with lots more sunlight. Three days here, and they are liking it already!
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