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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Robocat Tags: group
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Carmen 18.10.2012 15:51 | Flag
Lol! I've seen the videos on youtube and I love them!
tele_mark 18.10.2012 14:04 | Flag
Here's Ivan annoying Robocat back. Brothers can be jerks! --
tele_mark 18.10.2012 13:22 | Flag
Here's Robocat's alter ego:
Eli 18.10.2012 06:31 | Flag
Robocat, behave yourself!! He looks so sweet and peaceful!
butterflynye1 17.10.2012 19:57 | Flag
Tsk tsk Robocat! You're still one of my faves....I love these cats!
tele_mark 17.10.2012 18:44 | Flag
Robocat looks sweet, but since he was chipmunk size, he's been the aggravator of the litter. He'll go from this to stalking his brothers in a heartbeat!
iluvcats 17.10.2012 17:42 | Flag
Oh, oh, oh ... simply awesome!!! Could these kitties be more in ♥ with each other? I think not! Sigh
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