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Cats: Robocat Tags:
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tele_mark 28.06.2012 02:10 | Flag
They're three brothers, born in the ceiling of the 300 sf apartment I was living in, in Manchester, NH. I kept these three, and have to live forever with the fact that I lost three of the brothers when I adopted them out when I didn't see a way out of my housing dilemma (long since solved because the existence of the three and Mom Daisy made me find a way to buy a house). I used to be kidded about the fact the rodents in the walls of my apartment got treated like crap, but when I got an "infestation" of cats in the ceiling, they ended up being treated better than royalty.
tele_mark 28.06.2012 02:10 | Flag
They're three brothers, born in the ceiling of the 300 sf apartment I was living in, in Manchester, NH. I kept these three, and have to live forever with the fact that I lost three of the brothers when I adopted them out when I didn't see a way out of my housing dilemma (long since solved because the existence of the three and Mom Daisy made me find a way to buy a house). I used to be kidded about the fact the rodents in the walls of my apartment got treated like crap, but when I got an "infestation" of cats in the ceiling, they ended up being treated better than royalty.
iluvcats 27.06.2012 22:17 | Flag
I can't believe the way Robo is just hanging out on the scale ... what a purrrfect kitty! ♥
butterflynye 27.06.2012 11:01 | Flag
Daisy sounds like a super mom...thanks for sharing Robocat, Floppy and Ivan with us. Sounds like the diet is going well.
Eli 27.06.2012 06:36 | Flag
I did not know these three were brothers, although they look so alike! And Daisy was a lovely kitty and so fortunate to have found a wonderful home for her and her litter!
catgal 27.06.2012 05:01 | Flag
What a wonderful history, sounds like you've had lots to do with this cat family :)
tele_mark 27.06.2012 01:14 | Flag
Robocat was next to the runt of the litter of six, but he is the "jock" of the litter. Floppy is the biggest, and now weighs 17 pounds after losing six pounds on the diet their on. Their mother, my Dear Daisy (RIP), was 11 pounds and put them all in their place, the ex-street cat that she was!
Claire 27.06.2012 00:57 | Flag
Robocat's a big husky fellow...15.8 lbs and still looks lean and mean! Claire is such a munchkin, I would have to throw two of her on the scale to get that reading.
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