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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Ivan Robocat Tags: group
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sweetpea 12.02.2012 00:59 | Flag
Wow - a purrr-fectly matched set!
Claire 11.02.2012 20:16 | Flag
HOLY COW! your backyard is one sweet set up for kitties. Is the fence for keeping them in, or keeping other critters out?
FerrisMewler 30.09.2011 09:15 | Flag
Brilliant! Loving this!
iluvcats 29.09.2011 19:50 | Flag
Oh my heart is smiling at seeing you 3 enjoying the beautiful sunshine!!! Luv u Floppy, Ivan and Robocat!!!!
Dimtzort 29.09.2011 19:38 | Flag
Nothing better than lying in the sun. Purrrrr!
Carmen 29.09.2011 19:09 | Flag
Ha ha ha!! So funny!! The same distance from cat to cat :)
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