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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Mozi (猫子) new kitty Tags:
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Vegelaine 05.12.2012 13:16 | Flag
Gorgeous. It's terrible what some people will do to defenceless animals. Great he has a good start in life with you now :)
iluvcats 29.11.2012 19:18 | Flag
Oh Linda ... once again someone knows that you are the lady who will take in unwanted, abandoned babies ... I will always honor your ability to give a home to so many needy furries. This one is just a dollbaby ... once again ... Bless you and your Mom and your furry kids for being so charitable ... ♥
butterflynye1 29.11.2012 14:33 | Flag
You've got a kind heart, the little baby is very lucky!
gillybean 29.11.2012 11:43 | Flag
Lucky kitty, indeed. What a sweet little chap!
Eli 29.11.2012 07:37 | Flag
How cruel can people be, abandoning this little one? But at least they left him at your gate, where he will have a good chance at a wonderful home!
lindazena 29.11.2012 06:49 | Flag
18th Nov.2012 night someone leave this cutest at my gate. Now Huanchu take care of this kitten.
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