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Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Lobert Office Cats Tags:
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BoosWorld 26.07.2012 11:34 | Flag
OKay I see the bill's've been paid but I don't see no allowance for my treats. What gives?
gillybean 12.07.2012 08:08 | Flag
Best excuse ever, for not having finished the paperwork!
Eli 12.07.2012 06:22 | Flag
I see Lobert is very busy helping with the paperwork!!!
catgal 12.07.2012 05:30 | Flag
Now that's proof that cats really rule us! Awesome pic, brilliant cat and obviously a very doting owner :)
iluvcats 11.07.2012 16:12 | Flag
I so adore this snap! Lobert rules for sure ... Momma you are so sweet to not move him while you work!!! ♥♥♥
Chiara74 11.07.2012 13:05 | Flag
Lobert, tu lis le courrier de ta maîtresse?
Rob4Boulder 11.07.2012 13:00 | Flag
Looks like Lobert is a student of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Cats.
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