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Cats: Simon Tags:
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jilleshea 29.08.2012 11:48 | Flag
Thank you everyone...your thoughts and kind words are appreciated. I am missing Simon but I know he is much happier now and with his friends at Rainbow Bridge.
eelias 29.08.2012 00:23 | Flag
I am so sorry for your loss-my little Max is there waiting for Simon.
furfamily 28.08.2012 19:23 | Flag
My heart goes out to you at this sad time.
POUPIE 28.08.2012 10:36 | Flag
JE SUIS SI TRISTE POUR LA PERTE DE VOTRE PETIT SIMON.JE PENSE BIEN,A VOUS(je suis de tout coeur,avec Vous ,par la pensée)
gillybean 28.08.2012 08:03 | Flag
So sad to hear of the passing of sweet Simon: rest in peace little one with all the friends at the Rainbow Bridge: you were meant to find each other, God bless you for your loving care.
isabelle 28.08.2012 07:09 | Flag
So sorry about your loss. He looks so contented in his little flowerpot. I'm sure he had a wonderfull life with you
Eli 28.08.2012 06:14 | Flag
I'm so sorry to hear you lost Simon. He looks like my Willy, another street cat I rescued and who still shares his life with our family. RIP sweetie....
Chiara74 28.08.2012 06:00 | Flag
Je suis triste, Simon était un beau chat, mais il a été heureux avec vous, et du pont de l'arc en ciel, il vous remercie de l'amour que vous lui avez donné pendant toutes ces années.
catgal 28.08.2012 04:39 | Flag
I am so sorry to hear about Simon. It sounds like you were both very devoted and you are a wonderful owner. Bless you both :) my thoughts are with you.....
meeow 28.08.2012 03:18 | Flag
I'm truly sorry for your loss...
suelin57 27.08.2012 23:13 | Flag
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad Simon found you, and had a good life with you.
jilleshea 27.08.2012 22:09 | Flag
This is the final photo of my sweetie Simon who went to join his friends at the Rainbow Bridge last Friday. He was 16 years old but the first 5 years of his life were as a street-cat in downtown Hamilton. He was tiny and so sick when I found him but in the end, we had 11 great years together - many more than I expected. There was no else that Simon trusted except me and our bond was special and strong. I miss him but know that he is much happier now. Bye bye Simon.....I love you.
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