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essiebug 10.04.2013 16:01 | Flag
He could come home and visit heart would be overjoyed..if he has found safe and loving shelter..I am happy for him too! Thanks for the kind words...
lindazena 10.04.2013 10:59 | Flag
Hope our Joe and Herman coming back soon...
lindazena 10.04.2013 10:58 | Flag
Three years ago, a stray cat(black kitty) come to my house ask for foods. I let him coming and foods, after 2 weeks he missing about 2 years . Last year November he come back 2 days only. He look like found a home and just come back let me know now he have a good life.
gillybean 09.04.2013 08:00 | Flag
Thank for your kind messages.
Eli 09.04.2013 07:06 | Flag
I read the other day that a cat was found 13 years after it dissappeared! So don't loose hope, we are all praying for Herman and Joe to come back home.
butterflynye1 08.04.2013 22:41 | Flag
Come home very soon Herman, your humans and all of Picato miss you! Much luve
trhays57 08.04.2013 19:04 | Flag
Praying for the safe return of Joe and Herman. If it helps any, my Elton left one night and after a week of no return, I was sure he was gone. THEN, a month later to the day, Elton came home. Much thinner but with no visible injuries. I don't know what happened, but I always tell everyone he was abducted by aliens. :)
iluvcats 08.04.2013 15:04 | Flag
The worst I guess is just not knowing if they are aok ... :( .... always praying for safe return of dear beloved Herman and Joe ... hugs
gillybean 08.04.2013 12:38 | Flag
Herman, please come home: can I add a plea for my Joe too? He left the house on March 14, and has not returned. I pray every day for his return: Essiebug, I know how hard it is!
Eli 08.04.2013 06:34 | Flag
Oh Herman, were are you?
essiebug 08.04.2013 03:13 | Flag
we miss you Herman..and we love you~~
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