africat says:
Dearest Greta, I am so, so sorry to hear the devastating news. Every minute is worth so much precious time together, but he knows how much you love him, and you will always know that you have done everything humanly possible to keep your very special boy by your side. Tears, and so much love to you both.
africat says:
We are praying for you every day, dearest little Bruno - please get well, and stay with us and most importantly with your Mum who loves you so very much ... Greta, dear friend, stay strong through this very intense battle - our thoughts are with you.
africat says:
A very happy belated Birthday, dear Bruno! Lots of love and kitty kisses from all the Africats - we are thinking about you constantly, even if we miss a few days of updates .... You're doing great, you are so brave and you Mum is truly wonderful.
africat says:
I am praying for Bruno and you every day .... it is fantastic news that he can come home! Sometimes just being back with you can improve the chances of a recovery. Please, please little Bruno be strong and fight off this thing - kitty kisses from all of the Africats and Vanessa.
africat says:
Diet for kitties seems to be such a controversial thing amongst the veterinary experts! Personally, my indoor Magic and Muffin only eat dry food, but the others all eat a mix - wet food for breakfast, then dry is always there to nibble on. One thing I do totally believe in is that dry dog food can kill cats - it killed my Midge! We were away, a friend was coming in every day to feed, and left some dog food down by mistake. 24 hours my Midge was dead from kidney stones caused by the dog food!!!
africat says:
Dearest Greta, I haven't been around for a while and have just read this tragic and heartbreaking news. My prayers, my thoughts and all my love are with you and Bruno at this very painful time. Please hang tough precious Bruno and may God return you to your Mum's loving arms soon!